Emerson Community Profile

Community ProfileEmerson is nestled next to the boundary between Canada and the U.S. on Highway #75, which connects immediately with Interstate Highway #29 at the North Dakota border.
It is situated 100 km south of the perimeter of Winnipeg in the Red River Valley and is your first step in exploring the Boundary Commission Trail, also known as the Heritage Region.
Emerson on Google Maps


Emerson-Franklin Weather
January (winter season)-17.3 Celsius
April (spring season)4.0 Celsius
July (summer season)19.5 Celsius
Average rainfall per year349.2mm
Average snowfall per year110.6mm
Average no. of frost free days115 days
Emerson on The Weather Network


Demographics (from the 2011 Census)
Population 2016:678 people
Total Private Dwellings:310
Population Density per Square Kilometer:79.1
Land Area (square km):8.57
Annual Business Tax: None (Business License Required)
Taxes are due October 31st of each year for the current calendar year - January 1st to December 31st.
Payable to the Municipality of Emerson-Franklin; cash, cheque and debit are accepted forms of payment. You may also make your payment using internet banking if you have an account with a Credit Union or Scotiabank.
Mill Rates (Based on 2015 General Municipal and School Mill Rates)
Mills on Residential Property: 30.788
Municipal Resources
Water Water Source: Red River
Treated and Distributed by: Pembina Valley Water Cooperative Inc., Letellier MB Rates: $10.74 per 1000 MG + $23.88 Customer Service Charge.
BILLED QUARTERLY: April, June, September and December.
Payable to the Municipality of Emerson-Franklin; cash, cheque or debit are accepted forms of payment. You may also make your payment using internet banking if you have an account with a Credit Union or Scotiabank.
The current minimum residential water and sewer which includes 3000 gallons of water or less, is $76.23.
Bulk Water Sales rate per 1000 gallons is $18.70.
Treatment: Emerson Lagoon
Rates: $6.56 per 1000 MG
Garbage and Recycling Collection
Residential Garbage fee - $109.00 per year (billed on taxes)
Residential Garbage Pick-up
Business Garbage Pick-up
Mondays Thursdays
RECYCLING, Every 2nd Tuesday
  • Put all recycling in clear or blue bags; no sorting required.
  • Please refer to the bottom of this page for the 2019 Recycling Instructions and Recycling Schedule.**
Manitoba Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program
For program details and collection sites, please click on the following link: Manitoba Stewardship

2021 Recycling Schedule
List of Recyclables 2021