Handivan Services

Franklin Handivan 

The Franklin Handivan is provided primarily for the use and enjoyment of the senior citizens and disabled persons in the RM of Franklin by funding from the Province of Manitoba and the RM of Franklin. It is supervised by the volunteers of the Franklin Handi Van Committee and the RM of Franklin Council.
The Handivan is available to all residents of the RM of Franklin and area upon request. Before a trip a renter must notify the Senior Services Coordinator- Danielle  (Monday-Wednesday-Friday @ (204) 427-2869 or RM of Franklin Office staff (Monday-Friday (204) 427-2557 of the driver's name. We would ask that you read and sign a Rental Agreement prior to departure and turn it in to either of the above mentioned before the trip.
The Franklin Handivan Committee and the RM of Franklin 
  1. The Franklin Handivan Committee is not responsible for any lost or stolen articles. Please make sure passengers take all personal items with them when they leave the van.
  2. The person signing this agreement is responsible for any damages to the interior of the van and any extensive cleaning required following the trip.
  3. Please assure all passengers are on the van for the return trip. This is NOT the responsibility of the driver.
  4. Please remove all garbage from the Handivan at the end of the trip.
  5. The following rates apply to this Rental Agreement and will be billed to the person signing this agreement.
  6. Drivers must be selected from the approved drivers list.
The deposit will be returned to the renter if there is no damage and mileage is paid. Any additional expenses are the renter's responsibility - parking, etc..

Handivan Agreement 

Volunteer Handivan Driver 

 Emerson Handivan

Will operate within Emerson and District. Trips outside the above areas may be arranged. Hours for appointment—call between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday. Telephone: 373-2002

Service will be provided on an equitable basis to all transportation handicapped persons, defined as follows:

An individual who by reason of illness, injury, age, congenital malfunction or other permanent or temporary incapacity or disability is unable, without special facility or special planning or design, to utilize available transportation facilities.
The order of priorities subject to discretion of the dispatcher is (1) Adult Day Program - Emerson Personal Care Home, (2) Work, (3) Medical, (4) Education, (5) Personal business or recreation.
Service Standards
The driver of the Handivan will, when necessary give assistance to disabled individuals when:
(a) Boarding and leaving vehicle
(b) Entering and leaving place of origin and destination.
The Driver Is "NOT”:
(a) Required to assist patrons up more than 3 steps.
(b) Expected to handle parcels or baggage.
If you go to and from work at the same time everyday, a "standing order” may be placed. The dispatch office will confirm acceptance of your trip request according to priorities.
Passengers Responsibilities
  1. You must be waiting at the ground level doorway of the building.
  2. For your own safety, we recommend each wheelchair have a seatbelt attached.
  3. Should you have to cancel a trip, please notify the dispatcher as soon as possible so not to inconvenience other passengers.
  4. If the vehicle appears to be more than 15 minutes late in arriving, please call the dispatcher to make sure there has been no misunderstanding.
  5. Advance bookings are encouraged.
